nsrand-ipx: Instance-to-Instance Comparison Results

Type: Instance
Submitter: MIPLIB submission pool
Description: Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions.

Parent Instance (nsrand-ipx)

All other instances below were be compared against this "query" instance.

nsrand-ipx Raw nsrand-ipx Decomposed nsrand-ipx Composite of MIC top 5 nsrand-ipx Composite of MIPLIB top 5 nsrand-ipx Model Group Composite
Raw This is the CCM image before the decomposition procedure has been applied.
Decomposed This is the CCM image after a decomposition procedure has been applied. This is the image used by the MIC's image-based comparisons for this query instance.
Composite of MIC Top 5 Composite of the five decomposed CCM images from the MIC Top 5.
Composite of MIPLIB Top 5 Composite of the five decomposed CCM images from the MIPLIB Top 5.
Model Group Composite Image Composite of the decomposed CCM images for every instance in the same model group as this query.

MIC Top 5 Instances

These are the 5 decomposed CCM images that are most similar to decomposed CCM image for the the query instance, according to the ISS metric.

Decomposed These decomposed images were created by GCG.
neos-1171737 decomposed neos-952987 decomposed neos-5223573-tarwin decomposed neos-954925 decomposed neos-1445743 decomposed
Name neos-1171737 [MIPLIB] neos-952987 [MIPLIB] neos-5223573-tarwin [MIPLIB] neos-954925 [MIPLIB] neos-1445743 [MIPLIB]
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query instance and all other instances. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 1.157 2 / 1.286 3 / 1.329 4 / 1.343 5 / 1.368
Raw These images represent the CCM images in their raw forms (before any decomposition was applied) for the MIC top 5.
neos-1171737 raw neos-952987 raw neos-5223573-tarwin raw neos-954925 raw neos-1445743 raw

MIPLIB Top 5 Instances

These are the 5 instances that are most closely related to the query instance, according to the instance statistic-based similarity measure employed by MIPLIB 2017

Decomposed These decomposed images were created by GCG.
neos6 decomposed bppc4-08 decomposed neos-911970 decomposed n2seq36f decomposed probportfolio decomposed
Name neos6 [MIPLIB] bppc4-08 [MIPLIB] neos-911970 [MIPLIB] n2seq36f [MIPLIB] probportfolio [MIPLIB]
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query instance and all model groups. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
30 / 1.722 86 / 2.004 147 / 2.152 307 / 2.408 914 / 2.848
Raw These images represent the CCM images in their raw forms (before any decomposition was applied) for the MIPLIB top 5.
neos6 raw bppc4-08 raw neos-911970 raw n2seq36f raw probportfolio raw

Instance Summary

The table below contains summary information for nsrand-ipx, the five most similar instances to nsrand-ipx according to the MIC, and the five most similar instances to nsrand-ipx according to MIPLIB 2017.

Parent Instance nsrand-ipx [MIPLIB] MIPLIB submission pool Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 0.000000 -
MIC Top 5 neos-1171737 [MIPLIB] NEOS Server Submission Instance coming from the NEOS Server with unknown application 1.156591 1
neos-952987 [MIPLIB] NEOS Server Submission Instance coming from the NEOS Server with unknown application 1.285953 2
neos-5223573-tarwin [MIPLIB] Hans Mittelmann check model 1.328574 3
neos-954925 [MIPLIB] NEOS Server Submission Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.343284 4
neos-1445743 [MIPLIB] NEOS Server Submission Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.367706 5
MIPLIB Top 5 neos6 [MIPLIB] NEOS Server Submission Instance coming from the NEOS Server with unknown application 1.722171 30
bppc4-08 [MIPLIB] Manuel Iori The models that we attach solve the "bar-relaxation", also known as the "Bin Packing Problem with Contiguity" or the "P||Cmax with contiguity". This is one of the most interesting relaxations for two dimensional cutting and packing problems. Its solution by means of an ILP software is the bottleneck of the primal decomposition methods that we attempted in the paper cited below. In detail, the files correspond to model (12)-(15) in the paper, applied to the instances of the Classes 4, 6 and 8 by Martello and Vigo (Management Science, 1998). 2.003672 86
neos-911970 [MIPLIB] NEOS Server Submission Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 2.151987 147
n2seq36f [MIPLIB] R. Meirich Static line planning models on the Dutch IC network 2.407541 307
probportfolio [MIPLIB] Feng Qiu Sample average approximation formulation of a probabilistic portfolio optimization problem. Solved using ug[SCIP/spx], a distributed massively parallel version of SCIP run on 2,000 cores at the HLRN-II super computer facility. 2.848294 914

nsrand-ipx: Instance-to-Model Comparison Results

Model Group Assignment from MIPLIB: no model group assignment
Assigned Model Group Rank/ISS in the MIC: N.A. / N.A.

MIC Top 5 Model Groups

These are the 5 model group composite (MGC) images that are most similar to the decomposed CCM image for the query instance, according to the ISS metric.

These are model group composite (MGC) images for the MIC top 5 model groups.
Model group: ger50 Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-22 Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-88 Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-80 Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-11
Name ger50 neos-pseudoapplication-22 neos-pseudoapplication-88 neos-pseudoapplication-80 neos-pseudoapplication-11
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query instance and all other instances. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 1.631 2 / 1.636 3 / 1.705 4 / 1.812 5 / 1.930

Model Group Summary

The table below contains summary information for the five most similar model groups to nsrand-ipx according to the MIC.

MIC Top 5 ger50 C. Raack Multi-layer network design problem using a link-flow formulation over a path-flow formulation. 1.631284 1
neos-pseudoapplication-22 Jeff Linderoth (None provided) 1.635584 2
neos-pseudoapplication-88 NEOS Server Submission Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.704924 3
neos-pseudoapplication-80 NEOS Server Submission Model coming from the NEOS Server with unknown application 1.811575 4
neos-pseudoapplication-11 NEOS Server Submission Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.930074 5