
Type: Model Group
Submitter: Pierre Le Bodic
Description: Simple edge-coloring model on chains of Petersen-like subgraphs, designed to fool MIP solvers into producing very large Branch-and-Bound trees.

Parent Model Group (chromaticindex)

All other model groups below were be compared against this "query" model group.

Model group: chromaticindex
Model Group Composite (MGC) image Composite of the decomposed CCM images for every instance in the query model group.

Component Instances (Decomposed)

These are the decomposed CCM images for each instance in the query model group.

MIC Top 5 Model Groups

These are the 5 MGC images that are most similar to the MGC image for the query model group, according to the ISS metric.

FIXME - These are model group composite images.
Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-24 Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-104 Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-69 Model group: fhnw-sq Model group: rail0
Name neos-pseudoapplication-24 neos-pseudoapplication-104 neos-pseudoapplication-69 fhnw-sq rail0
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query model group and all other model groups. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 1.635 2 / 1.663 3 / 1.665 4 / 1.690 5 / 1.700

Model Group Summary

The table below contains summary information for chromaticindex, and for the five most similar model groups to chromaticindex according to the MIC.

Parent Model Group chromaticindex Pierre Le Bodic Simple edge-coloring model on chains of Petersen-like subgraphs, designed to fool MIP solvers into producing very large Branch-and-Bound trees. 0.000000 -
MIC Top 5 neos-pseudoapplication-24 Jeff Linderoth (None provided) 1.634967 1
neos-pseudoapplication-104 Jeff Linderoth (None provided) 1.663496 2
neos-pseudoapplication-69 Jeff Linderoth (None provided) 1.665468 3
fhnw-sq Simon Felix Combinatorial toy fesability problem: Magic square. Models 1 & 2 are feasible, model 3 is unknown. 1.690350 4
rail0 Thomas Schlechte Track allocation problem modeled as arc coupling problem The problem was solved by CPLEX 12.4. It took approximately 170 hours. 1.699607 5