
Type: Model Group
Submitter: Andreas Bley
Description: Multi-period mine production scheduling model. Solved using ug[SCIP/spx], a distributed massively parallel version of SCIP run on 2,000 cores at the HLRN-II super computer facility.

Parent Model Group (reblock)

All other model groups below were be compared against this "query" model group.

Model group: reblock
Model Group Composite (MGC) image Composite of the decomposed CCM images for every instance in the query model group.

Component Instances (Decomposed)

These are the decomposed CCM images for each instance in the query model group.

These are component instance images.
Component instance: reblock166 Component instance: reblock420 Component instance: reblock115 Component instance: reblock354
Name reblock166 reblock420 reblock115 reblock354

MIC Top 5 Model Groups

These are the 5 MGC images that are most similar to the MGC image for the query model group, according to the ISS metric.

FIXME - These are model group composite images.
Model group: maritime Model group: ivu Model group: core Model group: air Model group: eil
Name maritime ivu core air eil
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query model group and all other model groups. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 1.060 2 / 1.147 3 / 1.177 4 / 1.192 5 / 1.203

Model Group Summary

The table below contains summary information for reblock, and for the five most similar model groups to reblock according to the MIC.

Parent Model Group reblock Andreas Bley Multi-period mine production scheduling model. Solved using ug[SCIP/spx], a distributed massively parallel version of SCIP run on 2,000 cores at the HLRN-II super computer facility. 0.000000 -
MIC Top 5 maritime Dimitri Papageorgiou Maritime Inventory Routing Problems: Jiang-Grossmann Models. These models are available at, along with a host of additional information such as the underlying data used to generate the model, best known upper and lower bounds, and more. They involve a single product maritime inventory routing problem and explore the use of continuous and discrete time models. A continuous-time model based on time slots for single docks is used for some models. A model based on event points to handle parallel docks is used in others. A discrete time model based on a single commodity fixed-charge network flow problem (FCNF) is used for other models. All the models are solved for multiple randomly generated models of different problems to compare their computational efficiency. 1.060090 1
ivu S. Weider Set partitioning model resulting from a column generation algorithm used for duty scheduling in public transportation. Solved in June 2014 using CPLEX 12.6 with 48 threads in about 25 days. 1.146642 2
core A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P. Toth Set covering model coming from Italian railway models 1.176842 3
air G. Astfalk Airline crew scheduling set partitioning problem 1.192045 4
eil J. Linderoth Set partitioning problem approximation for capicated vehicle routing problem model from TSPLIB 1.202730 5