genus-g31-8: Instance-to-Instance Comparison Results

Type: Instance
Submitter: Stephan Beyer
Description: Minimum Genus instance of g.31.8 (undirected) of the AT&T Graphs by Stephen C. North.

Parent Instance (genus-g31-8)

All other instances below were be compared against this "query" instance.

genus-g31-8 Raw genus-g31-8 Decomposed genus-g31-8 Composite of MIC top 5 genus-g31-8 Composite of MIPLIB top 5 genus-g31-8 Model Group Composite
Raw This is the CCM image before the decomposition procedure has been applied.
Decomposed This is the CCM image after a decomposition procedure has been applied. This is the image used by the MIC's image-based comparisons for this query instance.
Composite of MIC Top 5 Composite of the five decomposed CCM images from the MIC Top 5.
Composite of MIPLIB Top 5 Composite of the five decomposed CCM images from the MIPLIB Top 5.
Model Group Composite Image Composite of the decomposed CCM images for every instance in the same model group as this query.

MIC Top 5 Instances

These are the 5 decomposed CCM images that are most similar to decomposed CCM image for the the query instance, according to the ISS metric.

Decomposed These decomposed images were created by GCG.
genus-sym-g31-8 decomposed ger50-17-ptp-pop-6t decomposed osorio-cta decomposed assign1-5-8 decomposed neos-848198 decomposed
Name genus-sym-g31-8 [MIPLIB] ger50-17-ptp-pop-6t [MIPLIB] osorio-cta [MIPLIB] assign1-5-8 [MIPLIB] neos-848198 [MIPLIB]
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query instance and all other instances. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 0.365 2 / 1.276 3 / 1.346 4 / 1.361 5 / 1.365
Raw These images represent the CCM images in their raw forms (before any decomposition was applied) for the MIC top 5.
genus-sym-g31-8 raw ger50-17-ptp-pop-6t raw osorio-cta raw assign1-5-8 raw neos-848198 raw

MIPLIB Top 5 Instances

These are the 5 instances that are most closely related to the query instance, according to the instance statistic-based similarity measure employed by MIPLIB 2017

Decomposed These decomposed images were created by GCG.
genus-sym-g31-8 decomposed genus-sym-grafo5708-48 decomposed genus-sym-g62-2 decomposed genus-g61-25 decomposed graph20-80-1rand decomposed
Name genus-sym-g31-8 [MIPLIB] genus-sym-grafo5708-48 [MIPLIB] genus-sym-g62-2 [MIPLIB] genus-g61-25 [MIPLIB] graph20-80-1rand [MIPLIB]
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query instance and all model groups. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 0.365 54 / 1.535 58 / 1.550 127 / 1.688 575 / 1.966
Raw These images represent the CCM images in their raw forms (before any decomposition was applied) for the MIPLIB top 5.
genus-sym-g31-8 raw genus-sym-grafo5708-48 raw genus-sym-g62-2 raw genus-g61-25 raw graph20-80-1rand raw

Instance Summary

The table below contains summary information for genus-g31-8, the five most similar instances to genus-g31-8 according to the MIC, and the five most similar instances to genus-g31-8 according to MIPLIB 2017.

Parent Instance genus-g31-8 [MIPLIB] Stephan Beyer Minimum Genus instance of g.31.8 (undirected) of the AT&T Graphs by Stephen C. North. 0.000000 -
MIC Top 5 genus-sym-g31-8 [MIPLIB] Stephan Beyer Minimum Genus instance, with symmetry breaking constraints, of g.31.8 (undirected) of the AT&T Graphs by Stephen C. North. 0.364604 1
ger50-17-ptp-pop-6t [MIPLIB] C. Raack Multi-layer network design problem using a link-flow formulation over a path-flow formulation. 1.276258 2
osorio-cta [MIPLIB] Jordi Castro Set of MILP instances of the CTA (Controlled Tabular Adjustment) problem, a method to protect statistical tabular data, belonging to the field of SDC (Statistical Disclosure Control). Raw data of instances are real or pseudo-real, provided by several National Statistical Agencies. We generated the CTA problem for these data. 1.346447 3
assign1-5-8 [MIPLIB] Robert Fourer Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.361167 4
neos-848198 [MIPLIB] NEOS Server Submission Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.365388 5
MIPLIB Top 5 genus-sym-g31-8 [MIPLIB] Stephan Beyer Minimum Genus instance, with symmetry breaking constraints, of g.31.8 (undirected) of the AT&T Graphs by Stephen C. North. 0.364604 1
genus-sym-grafo5708-48 [MIPLIB] Stephan Beyer Minimum Genus instance of grafo5708.48 from the Rome Graphs, with symmetry-breaking constraints. 1.534532 54
genus-sym-g62-2 [MIPLIB] Stephan Beyer Minimum Genus instance, with symmetry breaking constraints, of g.62.2 (undirected) of the AT&T Graphs by Stephen C. North. 1.549746 58
genus-g61-25 [MIPLIB] Stephan Beyer Minimum Genus instance of g.61.25 (undirected) of the AT&T Graphs by Stephen C. North. 1.687625 127
graph20-80-1rand [MIPLIB] Michael Bastubbe Packing Cuts in Undirected Graphs. Instances are described in 4.1. 1.965772 575

genus-g31-8: Instance-to-Model Comparison Results

Model Group Assignment from MIPLIB: genus
Assigned Model Group Rank/ISS in the MIC: 187 / 2.830

MIC Top 5 Model Groups

These are the 5 model group composite (MGC) images that are most similar to the decomposed CCM image for the query instance, according to the ISS metric.

These are model group composite (MGC) images for the MIC top 5 model groups.
Model group: timtab Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-70 Model group: generated Model group: independentset Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-21
Name timtab neos-pseudoapplication-70 generated independentset neos-pseudoapplication-21
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query instance and all other instances. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 1.861 2 / 1.910 3 / 1.962 4 / 1.963 5 / 1.963

Model Group Summary

The table below contains summary information for the five most similar model groups to genus-g31-8 according to the MIC.

MIC Top 5 timtab C. Liebchen, R. Möhring Public transport scheduling problem 1.860921 1
neos-pseudoapplication-70 NEOS Server Submission Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.909923 2
generated Simon Bowly Randomly generated integer and binary programming models. These results are part of an early phase of work aimed at generating diverse and challenging MIP models for experimental testing. We have aimed to produce small integer and binary programming models which are reasonably difficult to solve and have varied structure, eliciting a range of behaviour in state of the art algorithms. 1.961520 3
independentset Toni Sorrell These models are based on Neil Sloane's Challenge problems: Independent Sets in Graphs. 1.962946 4
neos-pseudoapplication-21 NEOS Server Submission Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.963028 5