
Type: Model Group
Submitter: Laurent Sorber
Description: Naive multiplication of two N by N matrices requires N^3 scalar multiplications. For N=2, Strassen showed that it could be done in only R=7 < 8=N^3 multiplications. For N=3, it is known that 19 <= R <= 23, and for N=4 it is known that 34 <= R <= 49. This repository contains code that generates a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) formulation of the fast matrix multiplication problem for finding solutions with R < N^3 and proving that they are optimal. For a more detailed description, see the accompanying manuscript.

Parent Model Group (fastxgemm)

All other model groups below were be compared against this "query" model group.

Model group: fastxgemm
Model Group Composite (MGC) image Composite of the decomposed CCM images for every instance in the query model group.

Component Instances (Decomposed)

These are the decomposed CCM images for each instance in the query model group.

MIC Top 5 Model Groups

These are the 5 MGC images that are most similar to the MGC image for the query model group, according to the ISS metric.

FIXME - These are model group composite images.
Model group: mapping Model group: cvs Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-86 Model group: aflow Model group: graphs
Name mapping cvs neos-pseudoapplication-86 aflow graphs
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query model group and all other model groups. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 1.464 2 / 1.545 3 / 1.608 4 / 1.629 5 / 1.651

Model Group Summary

The table below contains summary information for fastxgemm, and for the five most similar model groups to fastxgemm according to the MIC.

Parent Model Group fastxgemm Laurent Sorber Naive multiplication of two N by N matrices requires N^3 scalar multiplications. For N=2, Strassen showed that it could be done in only R=7 < 8=N^3 multiplications. For N=3, it is known that 19 <= R <= 23, and for N=4 it is known that 34 <= R <= 49. This repository contains code that generates a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) formulation of the fast matrix multiplication problem for finding solutions with R < N^3 and proving that they are optimal. For a more detailed description, see the accompanying manuscript. 0.000000 -
MIC Top 5 mapping Gleb Belov These are the models from MiniZinc Challenges 2012-2016 (see, compiled for MIP WITH INDICATOR CONSTRAINTS using the develop branch of MiniZinc and CPLEX 12.7.1 on 30 April 2017. Thus, these models can only be handled by solvers accepting indicator constraints. For models compiled with big-M/domain decomposition only, see my previous submission to MIPLIB.To recompile, create a directory MODELS, a list lst12_16.txt of the models with full paths to mzn/dzn files of each model per line, and say$> ~/install/libmzn/tests/benchmarking/ -l ../lst12_16.txt -slvPrf MZN-CPLEX -debug 1 -addOption "-timeout 3 -D fIndConstr=true -D fMIPdomains=false" -useJoinedName "-writeModel MODELS_IND/%s.mps" Alternatively, you can compile individual model as follows: $> mzn-cplex -v -s -G linear -output-time ../challenge_2012_2016/mznc2016_probs/zephyrus/zephyrus.mzn ../challenge_2012_2016/mznc2016_p/zephyrus/14__8__6__3.dzn -a -timeout 3 -D fIndConstr=true -D fMIPdomains=false -writeModel MODELS_IND/challenge_2012_2016mznc2016_probszephyruszephyrusmzn-challenge_2012_2016mznc2016_probszephyrus14__8__6__3dzn.mps 1.464023 1
cvs Michael Bastubbe Capacitated vertex separator problem on randomly generated hypergraph with 128 vertices and 89 hyperedges in at most 16 components each including at most 8 vertices. solved with default GCG/Soplex in about 2000 seconds. 1.545193 2
neos-pseudoapplication-86 Jeff Linderoth (None provided) 1.607837 3
aflow T. Achterberg Arborescence flow problem on a graph with 40 nodes and edge density 0.9 1.628888 4
graphs Michael Bastubbe Packing Cuts in Undirected Graphs. Models are described in 4.1. 1.651261 5