gmu-35-50: Instance-to-Instance Comparison Results

Type: Instance
Submitter: Nora Konnyu
Description: Timber harvest scheduling model These are harvest scheduling models of hypothetical forest planning problems where net timber revenues are maximized over a planning horizon subject to four sets of constraints: 1. Each management unit can be harvested only once over the planning horizon, 2. Volume harvested in one planning period should not be less or more than some portion of that in the preceding period, 3. Area-weighted average age of the forest by the end of the plan should notbe less than a certain target age. 4. Clearcut size in any planning period has to be below a specific limit. Decision variable are management units and generalized management units (group of management units with a combined area not exceeding the limit on clearcut size) and can be either fully harvested or left untouched in any planning period, therefore there is a binary restriction on the decision variables.

Parent Instance (gmu-35-50)

All other instances below were be compared against this "query" instance.

gmu-35-50 Raw gmu-35-50 Decomposed gmu-35-50 Composite of MIC top 5 gmu-35-50 Composite of MIPLIB top 5 gmu-35-50 Model Group Composite
Raw This is the CCM image before the decomposition procedure has been applied.
Decomposed This is the CCM image after a decomposition procedure has been applied. This is the image used by the MIC's image-based comparisons for this query instance.
Composite of MIC Top 5 Composite of the five decomposed CCM images from the MIC Top 5.
Composite of MIPLIB Top 5 Composite of the five decomposed CCM images from the MIPLIB Top 5.
Model Group Composite Image Composite of the decomposed CCM images for every instance in the same model group as this query.

MIC Top 5 Instances

These are the 5 decomposed CCM images that are most similar to decomposed CCM image for the the query instance, according to the ISS metric.

Decomposed These decomposed images were created by GCG.
gmu-35-40 decomposed neos-3615091-sutlej decomposed 30n20b8 decomposed gsvm2rl3 decomposed square47 decomposed
Name gmu-35-40 [MIPLIB] neos-3615091-sutlej [MIPLIB] 30n20b8 [MIPLIB] gsvm2rl3 [MIPLIB] square47 [MIPLIB]
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query instance and all other instances. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 0.913 2 / 1.210 3 / 1.244 4 / 1.273 5 / 1.277
Raw These images represent the CCM images in their raw forms (before any decomposition was applied) for the MIC top 5.
gmu-35-40 raw neos-3615091-sutlej raw 30n20b8 raw gsvm2rl3 raw square47 raw

MIPLIB Top 5 Instances

These are the 5 instances that are most closely related to the query instance, according to the instance statistic-based similarity measure employed by MIPLIB 2017

Decomposed These decomposed images were created by GCG.
gmu-35-40 decomposed cap6000 decomposed gmut-76-40 decomposed gmut-76-50 decomposed gmut-75-50 decomposed
Name gmu-35-40 [MIPLIB] cap6000 [MIPLIB] gmut-76-40 [MIPLIB] gmut-76-50 [MIPLIB] gmut-75-50 [MIPLIB]
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query instance and all model groups. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 0.913 109 / 1.536 847 / 2.305 917 / 2.640 925 / 2.735
Raw These images represent the CCM images in their raw forms (before any decomposition was applied) for the MIPLIB top 5.
gmu-35-40 raw cap6000 raw gmut-76-40 raw gmut-76-50 raw gmut-75-50 raw

Instance Summary

The table below contains summary information for gmu-35-50, the five most similar instances to gmu-35-50 according to the MIC, and the five most similar instances to gmu-35-50 according to MIPLIB 2017.

Parent Instance gmu-35-50 [MIPLIB] Nora Konnyu Timber harvest scheduling model These are harvest scheduling models of hypothetical forest planning problems where net timber revenues are maximized over a planning horizon subject to four sets of constraints: 1. Each management unit can be harvested only once over the planning horizon, 2. Volume harvested in one planning period should not be less or more than some portion of that in the preceding period, 3. Area-weighted average age of the forest by the end of the plan should notbe less than a certain target age. 4. Clearcut size in any planning period has to be below a specific limit. Decision variable are management units and generalized management units (group of management units with a combined area not exceeding the limit on clearcut size) and can be either fully harvested or left untouched in any planning period, therefore there is a binary restriction on the decision variables. 0.000000 -
MIC Top 5 gmu-35-40 [MIPLIB] Nora Konnyu Timber harvest scheduling model These are harvest scheduling models of hypothetical forest planning problems where net timber revenues are maximized over a planning horizon subject to four sets of constraints: 1. Each management unit can be harvested only once over the planning horizon, 2. Volume harvested in one planning period should not be less or more than some portion of that in the preceding period, 3. Area-weighted average age of the forest by the end of the plan should notbe less than a certain target age. 4. Clearcut size in any planning period has to be below a specific limit. Decision variable are management units and generalized management units (group of management units with a combined area not exceeding the limit on clearcut size) and can be either fully harvested or left untouched in any planning period, therefore there is a binary restriction on the decision variables. 0.912558 1
neos-3615091-sutlej [MIPLIB] Hans Mittelmann Collection of anonymous submissions to the NEOS Server for Optimization 1.210098 2
30n20b8 [MIPLIB] E. Coughlan, M. Lübbecke, J. Schulz Multi-mode resource leveling with availability constraint 1.243966 3
gsvm2rl3 [MIPLIB] Toni Sorrell Suport vector machine with ramp loss. GSVM2-RL is the formulation found in Hess E. and Brooks P. (2015) paper, The Support Vector Machine and Mixed Integer Linear Programming: Ramp Loss SVM with L1-Norm Regularization 1.272989 4
square47 [MIPLIB] Sascha Kurz Squaring the square For a given integer n, determine the minimum number of squares in a tiling of an \\(n\\times n\\) square using using only integer sided squares of smaller size. (Although the models get quite large even for moderate n, they can be solved to optimality for all \\(n \\le 61\\), while challenging the MIP solver, especially the presolver.) 1.276892 5
MIPLIB Top 5 gmu-35-40 [MIPLIB] Nora Konnyu Timber harvest scheduling model These are harvest scheduling models of hypothetical forest planning problems where net timber revenues are maximized over a planning horizon subject to four sets of constraints: 1. Each management unit can be harvested only once over the planning horizon, 2. Volume harvested in one planning period should not be less or more than some portion of that in the preceding period, 3. Area-weighted average age of the forest by the end of the plan should notbe less than a certain target age. 4. Clearcut size in any planning period has to be below a specific limit. Decision variable are management units and generalized management units (group of management units with a combined area not exceeding the limit on clearcut size) and can be either fully harvested or left untouched in any planning period, therefore there is a binary restriction on the decision variables. 0.912558 1
cap6000 [MIPLIB] MIPLIB submission pool Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.535965 109
gmut-76-40 [MIPLIB] Nora Konnyu Timber harvest scheduling model These are harvest scheduling models of hypothetical forest planning problems where net timber revenues are maximized over a planning horizon subject to four sets of constraints: 1. Each management unit can be harvested only once over the planning horizon, 2. Volume harvested in one planning period should not be less or more than some portion of that in the preceding period, 3. Area-weighted average age of the forest by the end of the plan should notbe less than a certain target age. 4. Clearcut size in any planning period has to be below a specific limit. Decision variable are management units and generalized management units (group of management units with a combined area not exceeding the limit on clearcut size) and can be either fully harvested or left untouched in any planning period, therefore there is a binary restriction on the decision variables. 2.304712 847
gmut-76-50 [MIPLIB] Nora Konnyu Timber harvest scheduling model These are harvest scheduling models of hypothetical forest planning problems where net timber revenues are maximized over a planning horizon subject to four sets of constraints: 1. Each management unit can be harvested only once over the planning horizon, 2. Volume harvested in one planning period should not be less or more than some portion of that in the preceding period, 3. Area-weighted average age of the forest by the end of the plan should notbe less than a certain target age. 4. Clearcut size in any planning period has to be below a specific limit. Decision variable are management units and generalized management units (group of management units with a combined area not exceeding the limit on clearcut size) and can be either fully harvested or left untouched in any planning period, therefore there is a binary restriction on the decision variables. 2.639525 917
gmut-75-50 [MIPLIB] Nora Konnyu Timber harvest scheduling model. Solved by ParaXpress in a 12288 core supercomputer run on HLRN III. These are harvest scheduling models of hypothetical forest planning problems where net timber revenues are maximized over a planning horizon subject to four sets of constraints: 1. Each management unit can be harvested only once over the planning horizon, 2. Volume harvested in one planning period should not be less or more than some portion of that in the preceding period, 3. Area-weighted average age of the forest by the end of the plan should notbe less than a certain target age. 4. Clearcut size in any planning period has to be below a specific limit. Decision variable are management units and generalized management units (group of management units with a combined area not exceeding the limit on clearcut size) and can be either fully harvested or left untouched in any planning period, therefore there is a binary restriction on the decision variables. 2.735073 925

gmu-35-50: Instance-to-Model Comparison Results

Model Group Assignment from MIPLIB: gmu
Assigned Model Group Rank/ISS in the MIC: 113 / 2.748

MIC Top 5 Model Groups

These are the 5 model group composite (MGC) images that are most similar to the decomposed CCM image for the query instance, according to the ISS metric.

These are model group composite (MGC) images for the MIC top 5 model groups.
Model group: square Model group: supportvectormachine Model group: neos-pseudoapplication-89 Model group: scp Model group: stein
Name square supportvectormachine neos-pseudoapplication-89 scp stein
Rank / ISS The image-based structural similarity (ISS) metric measures the Euclidean distance between the image-based feature vectors for the query instance and all other instances. A smaller ISS value indicates greater similarity.
1 / 1.691 2 / 1.775 3 / 1.901 4 / 1.921 5 / 1.999

Model Group Summary

The table below contains summary information for the five most similar model groups to gmu-35-50 according to the MIC.

MIC Top 5 square Sascha Kurz Squaring the square For a given integer n, determine the minimum number of squares in a tiling of an \\(n\\times n\\) square using using only integer sided squares of smaller size. (Although the models get quite large even for moderate n, they can be solved to optimality for all \\(n \\le 61\\), while challenging the MIP solver, especially the presolver.) 1.690660 1
supportvectormachine Toni Sorrell Suport vector machine with ramp loss. GSVM2-RL is the formulation found in Hess E. and Brooks P. (2015) paper, The Support Vector Machine and Mixed Integer Linear Programming: Ramp Loss SVM with L1-Norm Regularization 1.774730 2
neos-pseudoapplication-89 NEOS Server Submission Model coming from the NEOS Server with unknown application 1.901400 3
scp Shunji Umetani This is a random test model generator for SCP using the scheme of the following paper, namely the column cost c[j] are integer randomly generated from [1,100]; every column covers at least one row; and every row is covered by at least two columns. see reference: E. Balas and A. Ho, Set covering algorithms using cutting planes, heuristics, and subgradient optimization: A computational study, Mathematical Programming, 12 (1980), 37-60. We have newly generated Classes I-N with the following parameter values, where each class has five models. We have also generated reduced models by a standard pricing method in the following paper: S. Umetani and M. Yagiura, Relaxation heuristics for the set covering problem, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 50 (2007), 350-375. You can obtain the model generator program from the following web site. 1.921094 4
stein MIPLIB submission pool Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions. 1.999455 5